Primary And Secondary Storage

Primary storage is an internal memory such as RAM, EPROM and ROM. Where as secondary storage is external storage such as CD’s, floppy disks and memory sticks. The advantages of secondary storage are that they can be moved around however it can be lost or stolen. The advantages of primary storage are that it is permanent however it can not be moved around. Typically a RAM in a computer has 8GB which costs £40 although you can buy a 16GB RAM for £80. They are quite expensive but can hold quite a lot of data.

Here are the examples of primary storage devices:


Here are some secondary storage devices:


They are both good however they both have downsides. I use memory sticks which can be expensive but everyone uses RAM which increases the price of the computer you buy.

The memory of a device differs here are the units:


These are the units for computer memory’s. The most a computer uses at the moment is a Terabyte (TB). The Xbox One S can have 1TB and some can have 2TB. The original floppy disks could store 1.5 Megabytes (MB). You would need 711 floppy disks to have 1 Gigabyte (GB).

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